Continuing Education: Excellent and Practice-Oriented

Our continuing education program for engineers and scientists is based on the current state of the art and seizes on cutting edge developments.

Continuing Education Courses

For every engineer and natural scientist who wants to be successful in his or her career, professional excellence is a prerequisite. For companies, the further qualification of their employees is one of the most important investments in future viability.

With our continuing education program, we close knowledge gaps, point out cutting edge developments at an early stage and transfer new methods into industrial practice. To this end, we offer continuing education courses on various key topics in corrosion, process engineering and electrochemistry.

3 Days
Oct 2024

Corrosion of Metals - Mechanisms and Methods

22. – 24.10.2024
Understanding the corrosion behaviour of metallic materials is crucial for their sustainable and safe use in technical systems and constructions. In this application-oriented advanced training course, we offer you and your company the opportunity to deal intensively with electrolytic corrosion in lectures, workshops and practical laboratory exercises, to benefit from the know-how of our experts and invited specialists and to secure a competitive advantage! (German-language event)

Info & Registration
3 Days
Nov 2024

Electrochemistry for Scientists, Engineers and Technicians

05. – 07.11.2024
In addition to the classical fields of application, e.g. battery and fuel cells, electrosynthesis, sensor technology, electroplating and corrosion research, electrochemistry also proves to be an effective tool in the life sciences and materials research. (German-language event)

Info & Registration

In-House Training Courses

In addition to the courses from our regular continuing education program, we offer in-house training courses specially tailored to your company, which can be conducted by our instructors on your premises.

The contents of these courses are strongly geared towards your objectives and are adapted to the prior knowledge of your employees. Questions and practical examples from your company can be dealt with and the travel expenses and costs for your employees can be reduced.

Your Benefits

  • Contents are strongly geared towards your objectives
  • Questions and practical examples from your company can be discussed
  • Course contents are adapted to the prior knowledge of your employees
  • Dates can be arranged according to your wishes
  • Reduction of travel expenses and time involved

Contact Us

We will be happy to help you personally.

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