High-Temperature Tribometry

The service life of many technical components is significantly reduced by friction and wear. If the components experience high temperatures in addition to the mechanical load, the wear mechanism can change dramatically by corrosion processes.
At elevated temperatures, oxide scales can form on the stressed surfaces forming so called glazed oxides. The glazed oxides prevent direct contact between the rubbing surfaces. In this case, the wear is significantly reduced.
At the DECHEMA Corrosion Center, wear and friction investigations can be conducted from room temperature up to 800°C using various friction partners ( Al2O3, steel, WC etc., pin-on-disc) in a linear or rotational set up. Furthermore, wear tests can be conducted in a liquid environment at room temperature.
Our Services at a Glance
- Friction and wear investigations from room temperature up to 800°C
- Tribological characterisation of metallic materials and coatings, determination of the friction coefficient and corrosion resistance by wear
- Standardised tests and development of new test procedures according to your requirements
Equipment and Methods
- Measurements with linear and rotational set ups
- Pin on disc set up
- High temperature measuring cell for tests up to 800°C
- Flexible choice of materials for friction partners, e.g, Al2O3, steel, WC or a machined friction partner according to your requirements
- Rotational speed 0.01 – 2000 rpm, maximum load 40 N
Your Contact

Associate Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Galetz
Director DECHEMA Corrosion Center
T +49 69 7564-222